
Item #007 

Flannel Blankets are perfect to snuggle your little one with.  Double sided flannel ensure that your little one is warm and cozy, and the crochet edge added that personal touch.

Here are the blankets available:

Snowman and Stars blanket is perfect for a Christmas baby, coupled with blue and white checkered fabric on the opposite side. Perfectly framed with a white hand crocheted edge.

This Strawberry, Bees and Bear blanket is super sweet for any little girl, coupled with light blue on the opposite side. Perfectly framed with a red hand crocheted edge.

This pastel Teddy Bear blanket is simply adorable, coupled with yellow gingham on the opposite side. Perfectly framed with a variegated pastel blue, pink and green hand crocheted edge.

This Pink Turtle blanket is simply sweet, coupled with pink polka pot fabric on the opposite side. Perfectly framed with a white hand crocheted edge.

Ski Kitties light blue blanket is perrrfect for a boy or girl, coupled with white fabric on the opposite side. Perfectly framed with a white hand crocheted edge. 

This blanket comes with a matching burp pad for only $5.00

This Turtle and Pond blanket is super cute for any little girl or boy, coupled with light green and white striped fabric on the opposite side. Perfectly framed with white hand crocheted edge.

This Frog and Duck blanket is adorable for your little one, coupled with light green and white striped fabric on the opposite side. Perfectly framed with light yellow hand crocheted edge.

This Outdoors theme blanket is perfect for any outdoors enthusiast, coupled with light tan on the opposite side. Perfectly framed with a red hand crocheted edge.

This Yellow Teddy Bear blanket is simple classic, coupled with pink fabric on the opposite side. Perfectly framed with a multi coloured pink and white hand crocheted edge.

This Pink and Yellow Daisy blanket is super fun, coupled with pink polka pot fabric on the opposite side. Perfectly framed with a yellow hand crocheted edge.

This Light Blue Noah's Arc blanket is simply sweet, coupled with light blue fabric on the opposite side. Perfectly framed with a yellow hand crocheted edge. **SOLD**